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K9 Special Delights

I started K9 Special Delights because of my love for dogs! I have been rescuing dogs for many years. Blessed to work from home, I took in any dog I could, but for me the most medically or emotionally challenged is where my heart is.

Max is our mascot for K9 Special Delights. He had a very unusual experience at four years old, where he lost his "Hooman" suddenly & tragically, in Max's presence. He was then placed with a temporary family for eleven months, who didn't understand Max and were very unkind to him. When we got Max, he had severe emotional and physical issues.

First things first, we got Max healthy and then started on his emotional healing. About six months into his recovery, we drove to Utah to see his original hooman's mom, which had Max as a puppy with her son. The experience blessed everyone involved, and every six months we drove to see his original hooman's Mother (Cathy) until Max passed away in Sept of 2019.

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About K9 Special Delights

I started K9 Special Delights because of my love for dogs! I have been rescuing dogs for many years. Blessed to work from home, I took in any dog I could, but for me the most medically or emotionally challenged is where my heart is.

Max is our mascot for K9 Special Delights. He had a very unusual experience at four years old, where he lost his "Hooman" suddenly & tragically, in Max's presence. He was then placed with a temporary family for eleven months, who didn't understand Max and were very unkind to him. When we got Max, he had severe emotional and physical issues.

First things first, we got Max healthy and then started on his emotional healing. About six months into his recovery, we drove to Utah to see his original hooman's mom, which had Max as a puppy with her son. The experience blessed everyone involved, and every six months we drove to see his original hooman's Mother (Cathy) until Max passed away in Sept of 2019.