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Community Foundation of the Hermann Area

As an affiliate of The Community Foundation of the Ozarks, we are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity that enables individual donors, families, businesses and organizations to establish charitable giving funds and make a difference in our community. We are supported by local donors and governed by a board of local private citizens who work toward the greater good of the Hermann area.

We take your giving or grant-making objectives and help you to determine the appropriate investment strategy. There are a variety of fund structures offered by the CFHA to ensure your giving goals are met.

As an affiliate of The Community Foundation of the Ozarks, we are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity that enables individual donors, families, businesses and organizations to establish charitable giving funds and make a difference in our community. We are supported by local donors and governed by a board of local private citizens who work toward the greater good of the Hermann area.

We take your giving or grant-making objectives and help you to determine the appropriate investment strategy. There are a variety of fund structures offered by the CFHA to ensure your giving goals are met.

The Demo Pippily Business Platform

Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce