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HopeLink of Southern Nevada

Mission HopeLinks mission is to build a better community by preventing homelessness, keeping families intact, and promoting self-sufficiency. We provide practical and financial assistance to move kids, families and seniors out of the crises of poverty into self-sufficient living with dignity.

The HopeLink Story

Life below the poverty line is a normal existence for many families and seniors where low incomes, unemployment and unexpected life crises have dragged them to the brink of hunger, tragedy and homelessness. Believing that this normal need not be lasting nor permanent, HopeLink exists to change the normal for thousands each year. Its not just our motto but the very heart and purpose of our savvy, dedicated staff and volunteers who, from experience, know creative ways out to a better life and stable living, inevitably transforming their concept of what actually is normal. Every person deserves a chance to move out of poverty into a life of self-sufficiency with dignity. HopeLink provides chances and opportunities through providing practical financial assistance, effective case management and imparting hope to the hopeless at crucial points of a life crisis.

HopeLinks mission is to build a better community by preventing homelessness, keeping families intact, and promoting self-sufficiency. We provide practical and financial assistance to move kids, families and seniors out of the crises of poverty into self-sufficient living with dignity.

The HopeLink Story

Life below the poverty line is a normal existence for many families and seniors where low incomes, unemployment and unexpected life crises have dragged them to the brink of hunger, tragedy and homelessness. Believing that this normal need not be lasting nor permanent, HopeLink exists to change the normal for thousands each year. Its not just our motto but the very heart and purpose of our savvy, dedicated staff and volunteers who, from experience, know creative ways out to a better life and stable living, inevitably transforming their concept of what actually is normal. Every person deserves a chance to move out of poverty into a life of self-sufficiency with dignity. HopeLink provides chances and opportunities through providing practical financial assistance, effective case management and imparting hope to the hopeless at crucial points of a life crisis.

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Henderson Chamber of Commerce