
Inclusive Economy

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
Economic equity is an essential component of achieving racial equity. We firmly believe that an inclusive economy is the bedrock of a just society, where every individual has the opportunity to contribute and earn a living with fair access to...

Next Generation Leadership

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
Empowering the next generation of leaders is a cornerstone of our mission. The McKeesport NAACP is dedicated to nurturing and supporting the growth of young emerging leaders as they transition into becoming powerful agents for social change,...

Environmental & Climate Justice

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
Environmental injustice and the far-reaching impacts of climate change disproportionately affect communities of color and those with limited economic means. The McKeesport NAACP is committed to addressing these systemic disparities. We stand in...

Wake Up Black Vote

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
Our "Wake Up Black Vote" initiative is a call to action, urging Black communities to exercise their fundamental right to vote. We recognize that voting is not just a civic duty but a powerful tool for enacting change. Through voter registration...

Health & Well-Being

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
The well-being of Black families is of paramount importance, and our advocacy in this realm has never been more crucial. We are dedicated to championing the cause of Black health, ensuring that every individual has access to quality healthcare...

Race & Justice

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
In the face of structural discrimination and the deeply unjust practices within policing, prosecution, and incarceration systems, Black communities bear the disproportionate weight of these issues. We recognize the urgency in reforming these...

Education Innovation

Offered by McKeesport NAACP
At the McKeesport NAACP, we are staunch advocates for the advancement of equitable education policies on local, state, and federal levels. We tirelessly work to shape policies that establish rigorous education standards, allocate resources, and...


Offered by McKeesport NAACP
ACT-SO serves as an inspiring platform for young Black students, encouraging them to broaden their horizons and hone their talents, spanning diverse domains such as performing arts, culinary expertise, and the expansive realm of science,...

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