Commercial Auto

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Call for a Smooth Ride with Our Commercial Auto Insurance

Firms with company vehicles look to purchase auto insurance, but there are other businesses also exposed to automobile liability risks that need this coverage. Thats right, even those companies without any company-owned cars or trucks have business auto exposures. Daniels Insurance Agency is available to review your operation and discuss where you may be leaving your business open to a liability loss involving an auto accident.

No matter what type of vehicle your employees use to conduct business on behalf of your firmtheir own auto, a company vehicle, or a rented carif they are responsible for an accident while on the job, your company could be held liable for the resulting injuries or damage. For example, you may send your employee to make a delivery in his or her car, a salesperson may rent a car while on a business trip, or an employee uses his or her car to grab lunch for the entire office. Commercial auto liability insurance for owned and non-owned vehicles is needed to protect your company in these instances.

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