Physical Chemistry

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Ensuring Quality from Start to Finish

In the realm of business success, the quality of raw materials and finished products reign supreme. At Analytical Resource Labs (ARL), we stand as your trusted partner, offering a comprehensive suite of services to validate your incoming materials and guarantee that only the utmost quality products reach your customers and consumers.

The physical characteristics of raw materials, from color and taste to texture and density, play a pivotal role in shaping the final quality of your products. Our seasoned experts at ARL recognize this critical connection and are poised to guide you in developing a robust program for material validations and acceptance criteria.

Our service portfolio includes cutting-edge analyses such as FTIR raw material identification, HPTLC analysis, and wet titration chemistry, all aimed at fortifying your quality assurance processes.

Commonly Requested Physical Chemistry Analyses:

  • USP Monographs: Complying with industry standards is paramount. Our expertise ensures that your products meet and exceed USP monograph specifications.
  • Nutrition Panel & Supplement Facts Panel: Transparency matters. We provide precise analyses to accurately represent nutritional and supplement information.
  • Organoleptic: The sensory experience matters. We assess attributes like color, taste, and texture to guarantee consumer satisfaction.
  • pH, Viscosity, Brix: Understanding key physical properties empowers you to perfect your products, ensuring consistency and quality.
  • Water Activity & Water Content: Controlling water-related factors is crucial. We provide insights into water activity and content, vital for product stability.
  • Loss on Drying: Managing moisture content is pivotal. Our analysis aids in determining optimal storage conditions and preventing deterioration.

ARL is not just a laboratory; we are your quality assurance ally. With a commitment to precision, reliability, and excellence, we ensure that your products meet the highest standards, securing your brand's reputation and consumer trust. Trust ARL to be your partner in achieving exceptional quality from inception to delivery.

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